In the "learn a new blog skill section" of this post I shared my discovery of a few color palette sites and apps I found while designing my blog. Well, when I was working on this weeks arty Feed Read post, I found another AWESOME palette site and it's so good and so full of employability potential that I couldn't just write one sentence about it, so I just had to write a whole post.
I found the site while playing around with twitter. While I was uploading my background to my page, I happen to click on the "Check out Themeleon" link which I though was cool because it lets you create an awesome twitter background and design a color palette, etc.
So I started exploring the site hosting this service, Colourlovers, and I have just about fallen in love with it.
(The first time, I skipped the tour, but in retrospect - do it; I learned more.)
I started with the pattern template generator, which basically enables you to make a template for a pattern, (it's best viewed in it's entirety, here.)
Then I was able to add color that resulted in this whole pattern.
And then you have so many options for your pattern:
1. Background
You can download the image for your desktop, for your iphone, or for your blog background!2. Fabric
You can turn it into a fabric, that you can sell here. (Mine isn't for sale...yet!)3. Art
You can turn it into framed, canvas or print art, that you can sell (however, they have put a hold on new artist sign-ups, so I'll keep you updated when I get in.)So it was at this point that I went back and tried the tour, where I customized my Employable Mom color palette from the colors I use for my site.
I took these colors right from my site by typing my HEX#s right into Colourlovers. The COOLEST PART, was when I typed in my blue color they said that it was a "new color" to the site and they let me NAME IT (which I named after my son.) Check out Baby Blue! Also, and this is also kind of cool - it correlates to a Martha Stewart paint color that you can buy from Home Depot (however, it renders the "closest match" which for this one isn't really close at all...)
I basically spent my entire day playing with this site because it's so much fun! This would be such a fantastic site for a fashion/artistic/design mom to work on fabric design, or whatnot. If you decide to join, follow me, so I can follow back and check out all of the amazing designs your coming up with! I hope you enjoy playing with it as much as I did!
P.S. - Have any cool sites that you think would enable a SAHM to get her foot in the door? (Like this one!) Share them below! (I want to try them all and report back!)
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