Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Pretty Fricking Funny Feed Read to Break-up the Monotony of the Day

I've become a pretty bad blogger in the past two weeks. This is seriously the longest I've gone because despite all of my thoughtfully organized nap times and such, it has been literally thrown out the window due to some serious over-programming/sick baby-ness that has unbelievable got me off my kilt.

So for today's feed read I'm just going to pass along a few laughable links I've been hoarding from you, and hopefully, come Thursday (my new "day") I'll be able to post a bunch of other really great posts I'm been working on.

While nursing my son, I get about 3-5 min where I can just sit & read. Every week, I'm going to start you off with a Feed Read: links to sites that I enjoyed and would recommend to you whenever you get your own five minutes.

A hysterical children's book.

Funny post about the many wardrobes of mom and another about mommy math.

A great (and hysterical) example about being careful what you film (or put on social media.)

Some hilarious reviews of Amazon products.

Lastly, an interesting (and maybe not so hilarious) look at why wedding dresses cost so much. Same thing when you slap "baby" on a product.


P.S. - Seen anything else funny on the web? Share your links below!


  1. I am so behind in my RSS feeds! I hope the naps are back on track. It's rough when those go out the window.

    1. I'm so behind too. The naps are just a hot mess...on some days I kind of thinking he's doing the 2 to 1 transition but on others he needs the 2. I just miss the consistency...
