Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Be a Lifesave Too: CPR and First Aid Training (part 2)

Yesterday, I told you about a couple of the reasons about why I was glad that I started this CPR class, and they were mostly selfish reasons about how they will benefit my employability. However, I think the number one reason why I am glad I am taking the class is because I got to learn CPR and First Aid for children and infants. As a new parent, it just makes me feel better. I would recommend it to all new moms and dads because as much as we don't want our child to ever get hurt, it's going to happen, and it's better to be prepared.

I went through the American Red Cross and found it pretty easy to sign up for a course online by just entering my zip code into their site, here. The other thing that it is pretty nice is that they post all of the class resources so you can read them at your leisure AND they also offer an interactive online refresher course. I started to breeze through it but figured it would be better left for a few months from now when I totally don't remember anything; I'll let you know how it goes.
