Saturday, February 4, 2012

Four Essential Blogs for Career Breakers

In my last post, I talked about how I asked my sister the two most important questions for finding your passion.

When she determined that she wanted to take a career break, I emailed her a few of my favorite blogs about life, career, and breaks. They are FANTASTIC and so I'd like to share them with you too because as much as they apply to her they hit home for me too.

1. Alexis Grant's blog, The Traveling Writer has advice about taking a career break.

2. Penelope Trunk's blog has a whole section on job hunting and for the SAHMs her career section has great posts about work/life.

3. Brazen Careerist offers a lot of advice for the young professional/new grad set with articles on their blog. I like to read it just to stay clued in to the job market.

4. The Unlost - my favorite - with a great message about finding yourself and your purpose in life, and so much of it rings true regardless of age or stage in life.

So those are my four but I have one BONUS article, I literally found it right before I posted this...

5. I randomly StumbledUpon this article on how to fund your career break. Katie Aune at Katie Going Global has some GREAT resources for cutting down expenses, and increasing revenue. Expect a future post(s) from me when I try out some of these!


P.S. - Any more resources you recommend?

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