Monday, January 2, 2012
My 2012 Employable Action Items
I recently read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and LOVED it. She offers a lot of great advice but what I liked the most was her method of turning resolutions into "concrete measurable actions." So a 'la happiness-project, I am here to present my much talked about, employable action items.
Using my Three Factors of Employability and my Employable & Enjoyable Skills Breakdown, I created an excel spreadsheet made of six employable action items, (things that I think will help me to get hired when I return to the workforce,) and six enjoyable action items, (things that I want to do because I want to make the most out of my career break!)
Almost all of my goals are monthly so I'll be easily able to track them by coloring in a box for each successful accomplishment. You may be looking at this and thinking, "wow...once a month, big whoop," but for me, this is a stretch and will enable me to guarantee success for some of these. Plus, I can re-evaluate whenever I want to ensure the intentions behind these are being met. Being a new mom can be ridiculously time-consuming and so putting aside time to get through a book or get out of the house to take a class in something might be all that you can do; don't pile on too much and set yourself up for failure.
These action items are all about helping me to find my niche when I return to the workforce. If you already know what you want to do when you return, focus on that. If you are still trying to figure things out, jump around and encourage yourself to try new things.
I'm really excited to put this into writing because I think that it will help to hold me accountable. The timing for me to start this is ideal, since it's the beginning of the new year, however, you can start this anytime. Putting your goals, however large or small, into writing is crucial to success; it just makes them more real.
P.S. - I'd love to hear some of your own employable action items. Comment below or tweet me @employablemom #EmployableActionItems